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Current Offerings

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In addition to these recurring offerings, we also enjoy hosting single, one-off programs and activities.
Be sure to follow us on Social Media and join our email list to stay in the loop about all Featherfin programs! 



Weekly Nature Play Classes

Designed for mixed age groups of children ages 2 to 8, Tinkergarten is a much-loved, national organization offering classes to help connect children and families with 100% outdoor, playful learning. 


Signing up for a full season of these weekly classes might be for you if you are seeking an ongoing community of likeminded parents and children, all committed to helping children learn the way they learn best - through outdoor, play-based learning. 


Full Moon Families:
Monthly Learning Celebrations

Designed for families with children ages 4 - 10, Full Moon Families supports children and caregivers in noticing and aligning more closely with the cycles of nature through "moonthly", in-person gatherings.

This program might be for you if you are a nature-loving or nature-curious family that wants to take part in an intimate, year-long journey of committed families seeking deeper connections with the cycles of nature through curious and celebratory learning.


Bi-Weekly Pretend Park Play

Designed to bring fun nature-play programs to community parks, Imagine invites children ages 3.5 to 8 to explore our region's natural spaces through the spark of imaginary play.


These programs might be for you if you are a parent caregiver, nanny, or other caregiver of young children looking for active body and brain engaging activities. Bonus points if you also enjoy touring the unique public greenspaces of the greater Richmond area!


Have a question about a program offering? Message Us or Schedule a free program consultation call.

Future Planned Offerings

We are so excited to roll out these offerings through 2023!

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Wandering and Wondering: Video Series


Designed for nature-loving young explorers and their young at heart caregivers, "Wandering and Wondering" highlights our region's wild spaces and nature-loving neighbors through family-friendly video shorts and related downloadable activity guides!

This offering might be for you if you or your kiddos love to "nature nerd out" about creatures, plants, and other bits and bobs of the natural world. Learn and find your inspiration for your next adventure while sitting in your living room! 


Crickhollow Fam Camp


Designed for families wanting to offer their young children a unique overnight camping experience, 
"Crickhollow Fam Camp" is the interactive camping experience you've been waiting for!


In addition to a covered camping platform, our property will include a variety of child-friendly interactive learning features, such as a StoryWalk book trail, a squirrel inspired obstacle course, a children's garden, a mud kitchen, and more!


Great Day for Nature Play: Nature Play Programs for Hire

Designed for homeschool co-ops, schools, libraries, agritourism farms, and other organizations that provide services to family audiences, "Great Day for Nature Play" programs connect natural world play programs to your audience!


"Great Day for Nature Play" programs can be customized for many groups depending on age, setting, and interest, and include distinctive offerings like: Imagination Hike, Splish, Splash, Creek!, En Plein Air Artists, and Forest Fairy Fantasy​

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