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Nature Nanny Childcare

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Hi! I'm Kim, the Nature Nanny!

I am the founder of Featherfin Family Services, and connecting children and families with the wonders of the natural world is my greatest passion!

I believe that one of the best gifts any parent can give their young child is ample time playing and exploring outdoors. The term "Mother Nature" is appropriate, because nature truly is nurturing for all who seek it. It is both stimulating and calming, and for young children, nature time is proven to enhance their physical health, emotional wellbeing, and cognitive skills.


  • Want to learn more about the benefits of nature time for young children? click here


  • Want to learn more about me, the Nature Nanny? click here

Or keep reading to learn more about our Nature Nanny Service!

Nature Nanny Childcare
Private, nature outings for ages 3 through 8

Serving Augusta County families

REACH OUT BY EMAIL TO to be added to the interest list and alerted when bookings resume!

Time outside is linked to a long list of physical, emotional, and cognitive benefits for young children. From stronger immune systems and calmer nervous systems, to more creative thinking patterns and better sleep quality, young children who spend ample time playing and exploring outside experience many benefits, and studies show that just 2.5 hours of dedicated nature time each week is enough to make a noticeable mark on children's wellbeing.

The Nature Nanny is not your typical babysitter. Our sessions are a combination of childcare and educational enrichment. Nature Nanny sessions, though play-based and fun, are intentionally designed to help develop early childhood skills, including social-emotional learning, focus and attention, early literacy, problem solving, communication, and physical health and wellness, With certifications in Pediatric First Aid, Play-Based Learning, Compassionate Discipline, and a background as a Children's Librarian, Tinkergarten Teacher, and Master Naturalist, the Nature Nanny brings both compassionate care for children and a devotion to natural world-based learning.

What do we do during Nature Nanny sessions? Well, we have fun for one, and we do it outside! All four seasons of the year, we get out in the sun and rain, too, spending 50-100% of each session outside in nature's classroom. While out and about, we regularly travel to local parks and other public greenspaces, garden centers, private farms, playgrounds, as well as indoor settings that support our natural world learning (like libraries, museums, nature centers, parks and recreation programs, etc.). Of course in cases of inclement weather, heat warnings, etc. we  seek indoor shelter. Safety is always first! Because child-led learning is centered, children are invited to follow their natural instincts of curiosity during our time together. They are encouraged to be active, exploring while moving their bodies, noticing the plants and animals around them, and enjoying impromptu, free-play activities. Seasonally appropriate structured activities are also regularly offered to enrich learning and development and attune children to the changing world around them.

And for your convenience, Nature Nanny provides full pick-up and drop-off services! We pick up your children from home or another pre-arranged location, and return them safely at the end of the session.

Families are responsible for providing car seats and appropriate outdoor clothing and snacks/meals, though I always have an emergency stash of many clothing items on hand in case something is forgotten. Nature Nanny sessions also include all necessary exploration supplies, including play materials like buckets, scoops, magnifying glasses, animal observation containers, play kitchen supplies, etc.  Art supplies, nature-themed picture books, plant and animal ID resources, and comforting stuffed animals and cozy blankies are also always on-hand for your child's enjoyment. A first-aid kit is also always available.



3 hours or less = $25 per hour for one child / $35 for two children
Half day (3 - 5 hours) = $22 per hour for one child / $32 per hour for two children
Full day (6 or more hours) = $20 per hour for one child / $30 per hour for two children

HOW TO BOOK:  Nanny sessions are offered to families who want a weekly, recurring childcare option that includes educational enrichment as well as to families in need of last-minute childcare. Feel free reach out directly with questions or to inquire about availability to .

Click the images below to see all the fun we have exploring!

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